Homewoods Creation Shares Why *Assembling* Your Furniture Is Never A Good Idea

 “Furniture should always be comfortable. And always have a piece of art that you made somewhere in the home.” -Tamara Taylor. Even with the lack of furnishings, it is still home because not everyone can afford it. Having a happy and complete family should be on top. But getting a quality design based on comfort would be a significant investment—each piece tells a story, and it is remarkable. Most people leave it to the hands of the experts for a more beautiful outcome, but some prefer getting a ready stock and leaving the installation to the hands of customers. But did you know that assembling your furniture can be dangerous to you and your family? Why can simple DIY be harmful? 

Cheaper cost or Safety 

It is undeniable that assembling your furniture is way cheaper than paying an expert to do it for you. You can buy furniture in a local furniture shop and then drive it to your home and assemble it by yourself or with your family—It creates a bond within your family. But we can hope that it’s just simple like that. Yes, it’s just a table and chairs you can assemble yourself for sure; however, you would miss some steps in completing. A simple tightening of screws has a range, and you cannot let them remain loose because it could break, or you cannot turn it too tight because it might lose the thread or damage the furniture. 

See how a customer became frustrated in assembling his own furniture

Inconvenience or Convenience 

We might think that setting up an appointment with the furniture experts can be difficult, but not. Some people believe they can do everything with the help of online tutorials; you can book an appointment with them with just one click. Instead of using your time trying to assemble yourself to avoid mishaps, why not book online and leave it to the hands of experts? In that way, you can use your time for other things.

At Homewoods Creation, the team makes sure that they work on the paint issues during the delivery. 

Local or Overseas 

We all have these temptations to buy furniture online or because of the influence of our society and thought it would be perfect in our home. May it be an item from a local manufacturer or from overseas. But we always have to keep in mind that there are consequences that we have to consider if we buy from overseas. Considering instances that the furniture we can receive from them is damaged or incomplete— a refund or a replacement is often impossible because it came from another side of the world. It’s good to know that we have local manufacturers: offering better function and more quality made; lead time is faster if ordered within the location. During installation, unexpected damage can happen anytime, but skilled installers with carpentry backgrounds can do a solution on the spot.

You can see the progress of your order directly from the factory of Homewoods Creation

If we think of it clearly, there are things that we need to entrust to the experts because they know how to do it perfectly. Just imagine that they are doing it every day; they have the experience and the knowledge in assembling furniture. We all want our home to become perfect, and that is possible with the help of experts. You can avoid a lot of trouble and save more time, and the most important is you ensure your family's safety.

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